Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The government is watching YOU

Believe in LEGAL immigration and not ILLEGAL immigration? Don't believe in abortion? Don't agree with President Obama's violating the Tenth Amendment? Be careful if you blog, or make your views known!

I listened to the Mark Levin show today (which I do everyday) and, believe me, this is NOT a joke.

The government is starting to clamp down under the guise of "protecting" us:
The Report was issued a week before the scheduled Tea Parties across the country, and is all over the news today. Reading the report is depressing, not because it reveals any current threat, but because of the shoddy definitions and analysis.

One thing that is not clear from the news reports, to begin with, is that the Report specifically states that there is no current real threat, even from the most extreme White Supremacist groups: "Threats from white supremacist and violent anti-government groups during 2009 have been mostly rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts." From the news accounts, you would think there was an actual threat, but that is not so.

But the even bigger vice is how a "rightwing extremist" is defined. I don't disagree that the few remaining White Supremacist groups should be in any definition, but DHS puts a distinctly political spin on the definition (emphasis mine):

Per The Washington Times:
Federal Agency Warns Of Radicals On Right

From Pamela Geller:
Shocking New Report! Obama's Real Terrorists: Targeting Patriots And The Right

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