Thursday, April 16, 2009

Coast-to-coast tea parties put lawmakers on notice

*******VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA (LOS ANGELES COUNTY) TEA PARTY HUGE SUCCESS - 3,000 strong and committed!!!*******

Taxpayers descend upon politicians in numbers far beyond expectationsThe Atlanta event may have been among the largest tea parties, in part because of the presence of conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, who broadcast live from the Georgia Capitol and estimated crowd size at 15,000. [I just heard on the radio that it was 25,000!] Also, as many as 15,000 crowded around the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, as nationally syndicated talk show host Glenn Beck aired his television show there.

Across the nation, thousands of tea partiers sang the national anthem, recited the Pledge of Allegiance and chanted while waving U.S. flags and displaying homemade signs.
Read the whole thing!

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