Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama the Lovable War Monger

Wow! Obama's sending all those troops to fight!!! (Seventeen thousand of 'em!)

Oh, wait. He promised everybody he wasn't going to be like George W. Bush!

But hey: It's not Iraq. (That makes ALL the difference!)

In fact, Obama said he was going to INVADE Pakistan last year.

Hey, wait!

Are 17,000 troops enough to actually INVADE a country???


Oh well, I guess Obama is just taking the advice of his generals.

Oh, wait!

It was just in the news this week that he ISN'T taking their advice!

...oh, that's right: He isn't taking their advice about IRAQ, but he IS taking their advice about Pakistan.

Oh wow...

This is all S-O-O-O-O confusing to little old me!

Better leave it to the experienced people, like Obama.

Oh, wait!

Obama was only a Community Organizer for three years and he quit because nothing he tried was working and he got discouraged and he told all his friends he was going to quit.


But wait!

William Ayers gave him over million dollars to fix Chicago Schools (The Annenburg Challenge) so that was a big responsibility, right???

Oh...but the Annenburg Challenge report issued several years ago said that none of his efforts worked and...

Oh never mind.

Obama OKs about 17,000 more troops for Afghanistan

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