Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2/17/09: For Immediate Release

BBC - the oldest and largest broadcasting company from Great Britain -- just recorded an interview with me [Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq] in regards to Obama ineligibility cases. It will be transmitted in their Russian edition tomorrow, prime time 7-8pm Moscow time, 4-5PM London time. They feel it is the case of the Century and were amazed, as to why US media doesn't report it. I explained that in my opinion most of US media is in the hands of a few members of US oligarchy that find Obama convenient for their purposes and refuse to report on his total illegitimacy for presidency. I have explained to the interviewer, Seva Novgorodski, that US President has to be a Natural born citizen, meaning being a child of two US citizen parents and born in the country. Obama does not qualify for several reasons:

1. His father was here on a student visa and was never a US citizen

2. HI statue 338 allows foreign born children of HI residents to obtain HI certification of life birth. Short version COLB that Obama posted on the Internet is a worthless peace of paper, since it does not show any corroborating evidence, such as name of the hospital and name and signature of a doctor that should be on the actual birth certificate. Obama refuses to release his original BC from HI and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorneys to file motions to keep them sealed. His attorneys have been threatening, harassing and intimidated us with sanctions for mere requesting the records. This behavior can be explained only by the fact that the original birth certificate shows him ineligible.

3. When Obama immigrated to Indonesia, he lost his US citizenship, while getting Indonesian Citizenship, since Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship. Obama reaffirmed his Indonesian citizenship and therefore relinquished his US citizenship yet again (if he ever had it) as an adult, while studying at Occidental College and traveling to Pakistan.

The interviewer has asked if I am not afraid to go against such a mountain and so much money. I have stated that nothing can be achieved by virtue of fear and I am more concerned about a prospect of Obama being allowed to continue to stay in the White House Illegally, in that all the orders and bills and international treaties signed by him will be illegal. I also stated that in my opinion this is a giant on legs of clay, since his rise was achieved by massive voter fraud during primaries and general elections and US media providing one sided reporting.

They wished me luck and stated that they are fascinated by the case and asked to come back on the program, when there are new developments.

Program BBC-Seva, Novosti s Chelovecheskim Lizom
Interviewer Seva Novgorodsky
Producer Viktoria Melohina (spelled with k)
Audio file can be obtained from:
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

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