Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Dems Will Lose the House in 2020

This brings us back to our six Social Justice Warriors. The Green New Deal is not, as most people seem to think, a plan conceived by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her staff to save the planet. It is, in fact, a program concocted by the Justice Democrats, the main PAC that supported the divine AOC and the other five SJWs listed above. One of its founders was none other than Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s chief of staff, who is facing scrutiny by the Federal Election Commission pursuant to a lot of “dark money” that has been sloshing around between the Justice Democrats PAC and a Chakrabarti-controlled LLC called Brand New Congress.

Republicans will welcome confirmation that AOC et al., who have been so vocal about the political influence of “the Jewish lobby,” are just a new generation of Democrat grifters. That revelation will be considerably less satisfying to Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the party’s leadership. In 2020 the GOP will target 50 to 60 seats held by Democrats in purple districts they narrowly won during the last two cycles. Most of those seats will flip after AOC and her fellow travelers drag the party to the far left. The voters will associate the Democrats with anti-Semitism, socialism, and illegal immigration, and they will lose the House majority again.

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