Monday, January 14, 2019

The film was shot in secret and some teaser video will be shown at a pro-life rally in Washington this weekend.

A new pro-life film, Roe v. Wade, was shot in secret because filmmakers worried about backlash from pro-choice activists. The project, currently in postproduction, is now unveiling a three-minute teaser that is set to debut at the March for Life 2019 event this weekend in Washington, D.C.

The teaser opens with a scene featuring Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight, who plays U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger in the film, then cuts to modern-day news reports about Justice Brett Kavanaugh, including speculation that his appointment by President Donald Trump to the Supreme Court will "flip" the Roe v. Wade decision from the 1970s that basically legalized abortion.

Nick Loeb, who produced, co-wrote and co-directed Roe v. Wade, says the comparisons between what is being said now about Kavanaugh and was said when Roe v. Wade was re-argued in the early 1970s after a few President Richard Nixon appointees were on the court are strikingly familiar.

"Everyone is saying Kavanaugh is going to flip the decision and the same thing was said in 1972. There's actually a lot of parallels between then and now," Loeb told The Hollywood Reporter.
First Look at 'Roe v. Wade' Film Featuring Jon Voight as a Supreme Court Justice

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