Sunday, November 18, 2018

What does the bible say about immigration?

Here is the reality, not just a passage or two taken out of context!

With no borders, there can be no nation. The subject of nations is addressed in the Bible 677 times in the context of God’s destiny and purpose for each of them.

Open-borders Advocates Quote The Bible To Justify Their Agenda

Look at what a Hispanic professor (and drafter for the Missouri Synod Commission on Theology and Church Relations report Immigrants among Us: A Lutheran Framework for Addressing Immigration Issues) came up with:

Ever since Satan got Adam expelled from Paradise, making him the world’s first exile, the enemy has made the people of God the objects of “the hatred of the world” and driven them “out of their homes” into “exile by whatever means he could. . .”

And then:

Luther sees Abraham as the prime example of hospitality for the New Testament church. 

Adam (of Adam and Eve) was the world's first refugee? Really???

The word "hospitality" is found sixteen (16) times throughout the above article which, besides trying to turn Abraham--and a "16th-century reformer"--into a cosmic welcome wagon, has this very big problem:

For those who argue from the Old Testament law for a policy of open borders, they should realize that they are also arguing for a modern theocracy where everyone in the nation worships only one God (the Triune God of the Bible), and all other religions are forbidden. Religious pluralism was outlawed.

Not to mention this REALLY big one:

 …Martin Luther has a little “Jewish problem” that paved the way for the Holocaust:

And for those who insist on going to the New Testament:

Hoffmeier discusses a scripture that open border advocates often cite, Matthew 25: 31-45. In them Christ welcomes people into his heavenly kingdom because “I was a stranger, and you invited me in.” When they ask when they did that, he replies, “. . . to the extent you did it to these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.” This means, say the open border religionists, that one must admit and embrace every foreigner who chooses to enter one’s country.

The fallacy here is that this scripture addresses personal ethics, not national policies, as salvation is a personal issue. The Old Testament, on which Christ based his ministry, did not—as we have seen—command Israel to have open borders. The phrase “brothers of mine,” Hoffmeier notes, always refers to fellow Christians, not the world at large, so the matter is one of private benevolence among believers. Further, he points out, the word translated brothers, adelphoi, may specifically refer to disciples sent on evangelistic missions. And finally, though not mentioned by Hoffmeier, the Greek word xenos, translated as stranger, does not necessarily mean a foreigner. Another meaning is guest. Clearly the message of Matthew 25 is not related to the present day issue of immigration.

Hoffmeier makes his case quite well, but a useful addition might have been a discussion of the general topic of nationality from a biblical perspective. The underlying premise of many open border advocates, religious and nonreligious, is that nations shouldn’t regulate immigration, because — first and foremost — nations shouldn’t exist as sovereign entities, if indeed they should exist at all. These advocates maintain that all men would live in peace if merged together under a one world government.

History, however, offers little justification for this globalist vision.

Book Review: The Bible Gives No Sanction to Open Borders

Finally, always follow the money, honey:

Catholic (and also Lutheran) organizations are raking in the big government bucks for participating in the “resettling” of “refugees”:

Resettling Refugees: Social and Economic Costs

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