Monday, October 01, 2018

The Nine Major Flaws in Kavanaugh Accuser’s Testimony

Sex crimes prosecutor who questioned Kavanaugh accuser released a memo claiming no "reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges against the Supreme Court nominee.
The prosecutor who questioned Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, at last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing released a five-page memo on Sunday in which she concluded that no “reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges against the Supreme Court nominee.

Arizona sex crimes prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, wrote in her memo that the case is “even weaker” than a ‘he said, she said’ case. “A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove,” she wrote. “But this case is even weaker than that. Dr. Ford identified other witnesses to the event, and those witnesses either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them. For the reasons discussed below, I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence before the Committee. Nor do I believe that this evidence is sufficient to satisfy the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.”

Mitchell then outlined nine major flaws in Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony during last week’s hearing:

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