Saturday, February 10, 2018

"What no one will say is that this is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency!"

This is a theory that I haven't seen before...from my husband, Gary Starr:

What no one will say, but I will, is that this is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. 

Before heads explode let me explain.
As Mark Levin says, we are in the middle of a slow motion coup
Joseph diGenova, former federal prosecutor, says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy,” according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller:
Dan Bongino, on Tucker Carlson's show, has called the operation a sting.
So here’s what we know from the Nunes memo [] and the Grassley/Graham memo […/…/enter-the-grassley-memo.php].
Hillary kept a secret server overflowing with national security info which, more than likely, was hacked. On a Phoenix tarmac Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to seal a deal that Hillary would not be prosecuted. On July 5 , 2016 James Comey pretty much exonerated Hillary when he said he would not Prosecute, after Barack Obama said there is no evidence that Hillary did anything wrong. Lynch also instructed Comey to call the Hillary scandal a “matter”
The Hillary campaign also paid Fusion GPS to gather dirt on Trump which became the dossier, compiled by Brit agent Christopher Steele, relying on Russian sources.. Steele and Fusion GPS gave the Dossier to the FBI and DOJ with the help of FBI employee Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie, who worked at Fusion GPS.
FBI guys James Comey and Andrew McCabe didn't bother to tell the FISA Judges under what circumstances the dossier was obtained and that it was unverified. In other words they lied to the FISA judge at least three times to get the warrants renewed, because the people who worked for them didn't want to see Trump elected.
Thus, the Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged “foreign policy adviser” to Donald Trump and the last frayed thread of the Russian collusion story. The FISA court was not told who had paid Steele to create the “salacious and unverified” dossier — in the words of the showboating former FBI Director James Comey — much less about Steele’s personal hatred of Trump. And McCabe has testified that the Dossier was the basis of getting the FISA warrants. Two days later McCabe was fired.
And this now leads back to the Oval office. Texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal Obama wanted to be briefed on EVERYTHING happening in the "Russia" investigation – after he 'guaranteed' he wouldn't get involved. Lisa Page wrote her lover Peter Strzok about the Clinton probe: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'
Obama had said he could 'guarantee' he wouldn't interfere and there would be 'no political influence' in the FBI investigation
The September 2, 2016 text message was among more 50,000 texts the pair sent during a two-year extramarital affair. Page was an FBI lawyer, and Strzok was a leading investigator on both the Clinton probe and the more recent Trump-Russia investigation. Strzok, though expected to be nonpartisan, also called Trump 'a f***ing idiot' and texted Page about a cryptic 'insurance policy' against a Trump presidency
Here’s where my theory kicks in:
Strozk's and Page's 'insurance policy' might well have been one of two things. If the faux legal mechanisms (the Mueller investigation and impeachment) failed the 'insurance policy' may just be an on-call hit squad to take Trump out. Pence would have been denied his right to take office as he would have been falsely implicated as well.
Hillary was always small potatoes, a placeholder as it were. Her health was always suspect. And do you think the plotters would have let a doofus like Tim Kaine take office in the event that Hillary became disabled?
The Democrats would be clamoring for a suspension of the 22nd Amendment and calling for Barack Obama, to "restore calm and order", to step back into his role for the "good of the country".
And then the door would slam shut. The FBI would basically become the State Police, so to speak, the DOJ a collection of corrupt prosecutors and the intelligence community the new KGB
Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.
In his heart Obama is a small time, garden variety leftist Communist wannabe. During his eight years Obama just ran out of time and he was just too incompetent. Fortunately he was also constrained (barely) by the Constitution. He didn't have the guts to follow through. But he has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the the illegals, and then he tried anyway. Fortunately the courts stopped him.
I know it's all speculation, but how much of what we suspected about the Obama Administration has already come to light.
And look at who has been removed from the picture in just the last year:
Hillary defeated
Yates fired
Comey fired
McCabe fired
Strzok demoted to the HR department and disgraced
Page demoted and disgraced
Ohr demoted and disgraced
Ohr's wife no longer leaking info to the FBI
Steele no longer leaking info to the FBI
Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS, soon to be out of business
Weissman fired
Not a bad start, and we've only just begun. We must expose the rest of this rat's nest:

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