Saturday, September 17, 2016


THE TURNING OF THE TIDES connects all the dots between what was and is being done in education in order to change society now... including tearing down the family, and womens' roles, in order to make the children wards of the state. It even talks about the UN's perpetual war under the guise of peace, and why and how the country will be bankrupted in order to finally give it up to the totalitarian one-world system.

You may read The Long House, Inc. Publishers 1962 .pdf here: DOWNLOAD .PDF

The text of this volume has been divided into four parts. The first three describe a movement-how it started, what became its objectives, and to what extent those objectives were reached . These three parts are entitled : Currents, Tides, and-The Flood. The fourth part tells of the rising waters of a more recent stream, whose mounting effect gives the title to the book . Parts I, III and IV are by John Howland Snow . Part II is by the Hon . Paul W . Shafer of Michigan, Member of Congress from 1937 until his death in 1954 . The original text was delivered in the House of Representatives on March 21, 1952. Approximately two years were required for the preparation and publication.

PART I - CURRENTS - The Early Movement

On the 12th of September 1905 a group of young men met together in lower Manhattan, New York . Conditions in America were not ideal . These young men had an ideal. Consciously or not, it had been borrowed from the social structures of the Old World . The meeting took place in a loft above Peck's Restaurant, at 140 Fulton Street. Among the group were some who in later years were to become widely known for views which at that time were the catalyst bringing them together . On that day nearly sixty years ago was organized the Intercollegiate Socialist Society.

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