Monday, May 30, 2016

Filmmaker Jack Marino: "I made FORGOTTEN HEROES to honor all the Vietnam Vets who I felt were totally mistreated by the anti-war protesters that spit on them and called them baby-kllers."

Filmmaker Jack Marino:
Here is the 2:25 Trailer of FORGOTTEN HEROES cut by a guy who used to cut all the trailers for Disney in the early 90s. The video isn't color corrected since he cut this trailer from the original 3/4 masters videos.
FORGOTTEN HEROES Part 1- '92 Trailer - A Film by Jack Marino
I made this film to honor all the Vietnam Vets who I felt were totally mistreated by the anti-war protestors that spit on them and called them baby-kllers. The Hollywood leftist that run Hollywood continued to spit on these vets in countless films by protraying them as anything but Heroic. As the director I tried to show the honor and comaraderier that men in combat experience under fire. After close to 300 screenings in Hollywood by every studio and independent distributor, because I showed my guys are heroes and didn't follow the political line, my film was never picked up. Even though they all called it 'powerful and profound'.
You can order the DVD on and you can read the back story and all the reviews and testimonials throughout the years.

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