Thursday, July 23, 2015

White House removes God from naturalization oath

The White House has cheapened US citizenship by approving new oath waivers for those who become naturalized citizens that include not being required to declare an "oath" of allegiance to the US and removing the words "so help me God" from the new declaration to "solemnly affirm" allegiance. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) "grants this modification solely upon the applicant's request. The applicant is not required to establish that the request is based solely on his or her religious training and belief. Applicants are not required to provide any documentary evidence or testimony to support a request to substitute the words "on oath" or "so help me God." But wait, there's more.

Now naturalized citizens are not being required to defend the United States against all enemies and not having to be of any particular religion to claim conscientious objection. Couple this with the millions of Muslims being moved to the US from hotbeds of radicalism such as Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya and so on, as well as the "president's" refusal to prevent unparalleled illegal immigration by securing the borders. This unprecedented move signals that no loyalty to America is required or expected when becoming a naturalized citizen, and foments an attitude of insurrection. This is a legal escape for those who wish to move here and conduct mischief--even if they bother to become citizens.

The new oath modifications state: "An applicant may request a modified oath that does not contain one or both of the following clauses:To bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; and To perform noncombatant service in the US armed forces when required by the law. In order to modify the oath, the applicant must demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that he or she is unwilling or unable to affirm to these sections of the oath based on his or her religious training and belief, which may include a deeply held moral or ethical code." But the applicant is not required to "Belong to a specific church or religious denomination; Follow a particular theology or belief; or Have religious training."

To recap--The White House has modified the requirements of naturalized citizens to 1) not take an oath unto God, but "solemnly affirm" allegiance to the United States; 2) conscientiously object to defending the US based on religious beliefs, but the person is not required to have any religious beliefs. This essentially legalizes insurrection. Imagine all these Islamists being shipped into the US from radical countries in the Middle East who now do not have to lie about why they are here, nor swear an oath unto a God they do not believe in. This seems to add a new way of looking at Jeremiah 51:14, "Surely I will fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall raise a battle cry against you."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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