Sunday, June 21, 2015


California is the canary in the coal what do we all do now that it's almost dead?

June 17, 2015:
California Has Never Experienced A Water Crisis Of This Magnitude – And The Worst Is Yet To Come
It is not just the state of California that is experiencing a major water crisis. All over the world, underground aquifers are being drained rapidly.

June 17, 2015:
The Earth's Evaporating Aquifers
NASA satellites are tracking the planet's underground fresh water supply.

May 9, 2012:
The Coming Global Water Crisis
What happens when demand for this essential resource starts exceeding supply in many parts of the world?

Where is all of the Earth's water?
The ocean holds 97 percent of the Earth's water; the remaining three percent is freshwater found in glaciers and ice, below the ground, or in rivers and lakes.

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