Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Why I'm Supporting Rick Perry - By Jamie Johnson

Following the disastrous presidency of an inexperienced first-term senator with great speaking ability, America needs three things in the next president of the United States: (1) a strong chief executive, (2) a strong commander-in-chief, and (3) a strong moral leader.

By a strong chief executive, I mean someone who has actually run a government; someone who has created a civic climate for job growth, business growth, and personal income growth; someone who has tackled the problems of over-taxation, over-regulation, and over-litigation; someone who has forged a legacy of prosperity and opportunity that is a model for good government.

By a strong commander-in-chief, I mean someone who has actually worn the uniform of our country; someone who knows what it means to command a military force; someone who our allies will trust and our enemies will fear; someone who will put freedom on the offensive.

By a strong moral leader, I mean someone who will defend life, marriage, and religious liberty; someone who will champion every freedom in the Bill of Rights; someone who will lead with humility, integrity, and honor; someone who will never forget where he came from, nor the Bible’s command to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is all three of these things. In fact, of all the good people (and there are several) who are considering a run for the presidency, he is the only one who qualifies as being all three.

First, Rick Perry is a strong chief executive. For the last 14 years he has been the most successful executive in America. He has not been running a business or a senate staff; he has been running a state—a state of 27 million people, the second largest state in the nation, the 13th largest economy in the world. And his record of job growth, business growth, and personal income growth is not only second-to-none, it is unparalleled in our time. Simply put, Rick Perry has been the most successful American governor in the last 100 years.

Second, Rick Perry is a strong commander-in-chief. As a captain in the U.S. Air Force, as a pilot who flew C-130 tactical airlift in Europe and the Middle East, as the commander-in-chief of the largest state military force in the nation (the Texas National Guard), Rick Perry has proven beyond any doubt that he will do what is necessary to secure America’s borders, rebuild America’s military, and renew America’s leadership in the world.

Third, Rick Perry is a strong moral leader. He has valiantly defended life, marriage, and religious liberty; he has championed every freedom in the Bill of Rights; and he has never forgotten his humble roots—growing up on a dryland cotton farm, in a home without running water, 16 miles from the nearest post office—where he learned what it truly means to “love God and love thy neighbor.”

Rick Perry is not a show horse; he’s a work-horse. He’s not about rhetoric; he’s about results. He doesn’t just talk about liberty; he’s put his life on the line to defend it. More than any other person considering a run for the presidency, Governor Rick Perry, who has given 30 years of public service to his country, is the most qualified and best prepared person to lead the United States of America.

[ lgstarr: I believe Rick Perry and Carly Fiorina is the best ticket for America!! ]

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