Sunday, February 08, 2015

Massive Fraud In Merck MMR Vaccine Testing

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Merck’s Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine is under fire following allegations of wrongdoing from several parties, namely two former Merck scientists-turned-whistleblowers. A third whistleblower is a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who has confessed to misconduct involving the same MMR vaccine.
A U.S. judge rejected Merck’s attempt at a dismissal after determining there was plausible grounds for the claims. Therefore the medical giant is being forced to defend themselves and their vaccine in at least two federal cases. Merck could also be forced to defend itself in Congress. Representative Bill Posey (R-FL) – a known critic of the CDC whom is investigating the link between autism and vaccines – is reviewing hundreds of documents turned over by the CDC whistleblower.

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