Friday, February 06, 2015

LEAKED AUDIO RECORDINGS Reveal Hillary Clinton Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Helped Muslim Brotherhood Take Control Of North Africa And Middle East

According to a three-part series published by the Washington Times, it was Hillary Clinton who was insisting that the U.S. remove Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 while pushing false narratives to do so. These reports have allegedly caught the attention of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. What must be included in this analysis is just how influential Clinton’s most trusted adviser Huma Abedin was and is. If anyone had a vested interest in removing Gadhafi from power to benefit Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood rebels, it was Huma’s Muslim Brotherhood family.

To illustrate how close Huma and Hillary were, it was Abedin who first informed her boss of Gadhafi’s death:

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