Friday, February 27, 2015

Join AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE on March 2 for the AEI event “The path ahead for US Internet policy: A conversation with Representative Greg Walden.”

What to expect next on net neutrality


Daniel Lyons:
If the president and the FCC believe we must implement net neutrality as quickly as possible, they should work with Congress rather than undertaking the longer and riskier path of freelancing at the edge of the agency’s statutory authority.

Gus Hurwitz:
The Commission’s approach is a massive expansion of the Commission’s power into an area of vast economic and political significance. It is anything but mere “statutory interpretation” – and for this reason it is quite likely to face a rough road as it heads to court.

Richard Bennett:
[T]he US has arrived at a turning point in the development of the web. The present direction of Internet regulation threatens the ability of networks to advance. …. The Internet as we know it today is a distillation of ideas developed around the world by both public and private sector researchers supported by investments from both public and private sources. Most of the magic comes from the profit-driven private sector. As amazing as the Internet is today, it still falls short of its potential. It’s a certainty that the rules imposed on Wheeler will slow the Internet’s rate of progress and lock in current applications. Congress can take steps to undo the damage about to be inflicted — and it should.
If you’d like to learn more, join us on March 2 for the AEI eventThe path ahead for US Internet policy: A conversation with Representative Greg Walden.”  Rep Walden, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, will discuss the implications of the FCC’s net neutrality vote.

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