Tuesday, January 20, 2015

URGENT - TIME SENSITIVE [eligibility case against Obama now going to Supreme Court]



My name is Tracy Fair. I live in Maryland. I currently have an eligibility case against Obama & the State which is now moving on to the United States Supreme Court, after being denied in the Maryland Court of Appeals.

My Appeals Court petition was denied on November 20, 2014. I have 90 days (Feb. 18th) to file with the US Supreme Court. However, we are short on funds to continue the effort to expose the Obama fraud.

CDR Kerchner (Ret) spent many thousands to take his eligibility case to the Supreme Court, but we have since found lower cost ways to get this done that have cut the cost considerably, meaning we only need to raise roughly $2200 to cover the incurred and remaining costs (Court fees, printer, advisers, etc.). I am committed in taking my case to the Supreme Court. Detail accounting of use of funds will be posted online.

Please help as much as you can. Any donations large or small will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to send a check, please email me by clicking the contact button below to request the address. If checks are received, I will then lower the target goal by that much.

All court filings in this case can be found on my website at:

Thanks again and God Bless

P.S. My evidence with sources proving Obama is not a natural born citizen and therefor ineligible, can be found on my website at the following link:

My 200+ Youtube videos with loads of evidence ragarding Obama's FRAUD:

Follow me on Twitter  https://twitter.com/KenyanBornObama

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