Friday, July 18, 2014

The exact methods, including manufactured war propaganda, that are being used to deceive the West about Israel - UPDATE [PICTURES ADDED]

This is all consistent with Islamic Warfare.  The use of Taqiyya, i.e., Islamic Deceit, (Muhammad said "War is Deceit") and manufactured War Propaganda are part of Islam and have been since the time of Muhammad.

UPDATE: Sorry, I have just now added the pictures BELOW for examples of the photos being used.

Beware, most of them are graphic.

Hamas Interior Ministry To Social Media Activists: Always Call The Dead 'Innocent Civilians'; Don't Post Photos Of Rockets Being Fired From Civilian Population Centers

Hamas Spokesperson Encourages Use of Human Shield

Hamas using Palestinians as human shields: We desire Death as you desire Life

'Palestinian' Arabs' Muslim vicious tactics of HUMAN SHIELDS
Why their kids die - How they cause their kids deaths for propaganda purposes

UNRWA Chagrined to Find 20 Rockets in Gaza School. The agency did not say who they gave the rockets to, or where they were taken.

Why doesn’t the BBC tell audiences about Gaza’s shortfall missiles?

Hamas uses BBC brand for fauxtography propaganda

Hamas Uses More False Images against Israel on Social Media

#BBCtrending: Are #GazaUnderAttack images accurate?

Palestinians Use Photos from Syria to Smear Israel Online

The Palestinian Authority, i.e., Fatah/PLO, is no different than Hamas.  They just play the "Good Cop, Bad Cop" routine with the West.

PA Chairman: EU Can Remove Hamas from Terror List, No Difference between Our Policies and Theirs

Abbas admits sending terrorists to kill Israelis

Palestinian Authority TV Kill Jews for Allah

PA TV: "Jews are enemies of Allah and humanity - Kill them"

PA Mufti: Muslims will kill Jews in name of Islam

PA TV broadcasts student reciting a poem that calls for throwing stones at the Jews

PA minister: Shahid's "sins are forgiven with the first gush of his blood" ("Shahid" is an Islamic Martyr, e.g., Suicide Bomber)

Hamas Interior Ministry To Social Media Activists: Always Call The Dead 'Innocent Civilians'; Don't Post Photos Of Rockets Being Fired From Civilian Population Centers

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