Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Citizens fight back against dumping of illegals in our country

Press Release: Law offices of Orly Taitz

The public can make a difference.

We have seen an earthquake in DC when the House Majority leader went down in flames for his support of amnesty. Time for the public to act. Corrupt Obama regime created a crisis in banning deportation of children through an unconstitutional executive order, which goes against the US immigration laws and against the best interests of this nation. This ban on deportation of illegals became a magnet for hundreds of thousands of illegals. Now Obama is seeking 2 billion dollars for their accommodation.accommodation. After incurring 7 trillion dollars of additional debt, Obama is seeking more money to pay for his anti-American policies. The public can make a difference and stop Obama’s destruction of this nation.
  1. Public is urged to call every congressman and demand “NO” on any funding for accommodation of illegals. Congress has to pass a resolution seeking immediate deportation of all illegals and sanctions against the nations of origin for the full cost of deportation of their citizens. US assessed sanctions against Russia, which is half a world away. US can issue sanctions against Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Venezuella and stop issuing any and all visas for citizens of these countries, stop importation of all products from these countries an freeze the bank account of their leaders until they pay for the deportation and repatriation of their citizens who invaded the US.

  2. The public is urged to contact the governors and Attorney Generals of every state and demand immediate deployment of the National guard of every state to stop the invasion of illegals and demand an immediate legal action against Barack Obama and Obama regime, seeking repayment of the cost of apprehension of illegals and the cost of up-keeping of illegals, as well as Ex Relator status from the court to step in the shoes of the Federal Government, which is derelict in its duties and assume the function of deportation of illegals. Anti-American policies of Obama cost US jobs and bankrupted the Social Services of multiple states.

  3. Demand criminal investigation of individuals who are complicit and aiding and abetting violation of the US immigration laws, such as the owner of face-book Mark Zuckerberg and stock trader George Soros.

  4. If members of the public would like to be a part of a civil RICO challenging Obama, contact attorney Orly Taitz at orly.taitz@hushmail.com. Taitz is working pro bono. Donations can be given by pay-pal at www.OrlyTaitzESQ.com or www.TaitzReport.com or by mail at 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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