Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cancer patients fly free (multiple resources)

I have a friend who has been accepted for treatment at NIH (National Institute of Health) and needs financial assistance for he and his wife to travel to Bethesda, Maryland. Here's some resources that help if you or anyone you know find themselves in this same situation:
To get the best care possible, sometimes cancer patients need to travel to treatment facilities that are far away from their homes. Traveling long distance for cancer treatments can be both exhausting and cost-prohibitive, potentially eliminating available treatments options for some patients. To help alleviate this burden, there are organizations who offer FREE air travel services for cancer patients, many on private jets.

Most groups who offer this free travel assistance require that the patient be ambulatory (able to walk and get into/out of the plane with little or no assistance) and be medically stable as the pilots are not able to provide any medical assistance. While some groups require proof of financial need, others do not. Typically, patients are allowed to be accompanied by one family member or support person.

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