Monday, April 21, 2014

Patton Oswalt and other honest liberals need to decide who their friends really are

Liberals Must Choose Between Freedom And Fascism:
Honest liberals are having their Andrew Breitbart moment. Andrew started out as a liberal, except he was the kind of liberal that’s exceedingly rare today. He was a liberal who actually believed in the things liberals say they believe in, like free expression and personal autonomy.
But they don’t.
Andrew’s change began when he watched the Clarence Thomas hearings. He saw a “high-tech lynching,” as racist Democrats intent on stamping out dissent among black Americans channeled their former Majority Leader/KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd in attacking the black jurist for refusing to toe the liberal line.
Andrews’s views didn't change. What changed was his understanding of who actually stands for freedom. And it isn’t liberals.

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