Tuesday, January 21, 2014

California, here I come...NOT!

Today, about 38 million people live in the state of California.

There isn’t going to be enough water for all of them in the years ahead.

And there certainly isn’t going to be enough water in the years ahead to produce the massive amount of food that California is currently producing.
But this is just a RETURN to the previous condition of this part of the country!
Unfortunately for California, the truth is that the weather in the western half of the country is simply returning to historical norms. Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the United States in 1000 years, and that extremely dry conditions are normally what we should expect for most areas from the Pacific Ocean to the Mississippi River. If long-term conditions truly are “returning to normal”, then the state of California could be heading for a water crisis of unprecedented magnitude.

But it is not just the state of California that should be concerned. The reality of the matter is that the produce grown in California feeds the rest of the nation.

We're leaving my home state in just a couple of months...but what about the food that California supplies to the rest of the country? I hope Arizona grows some of their own...

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