Sunday, December 22, 2013

Valerie Jarret and the President

They call her "the spine of Obama", 'his mentor', the world's most influential woman. She is without question the most influential power behind Barack Obama's presidency. As Richard Miniter writes, in "Leading from behind:"

[H]e can confide in almost no one, because opening up would break the spell that he has managed to cast over people with opposing views, making opponents believe he secretly agrees with each of them. The exceptions are his wife, Michelle, and his mentor, Valerie Jarrett.

The president himself says he talks to Jarrett several times a day, and that he rarely makes a major decision without consulting her. While every Nixon has his Kissinger, one of the things that make Jarrett unique in presidential history is that she is also the first lady's mentor. Indeed, she has guided the careers and lives of both Obamas for twenty years.

At every turning point in Obama's career, Jarrett was there to introduce, to solve or resolve, to console or confirm. She was in the room when Obama decided to run for president. And she was there on a warm summer night in July 2007 when Obama was afraid he was losing to Hillary Clinton.

Jarrett's White House role is unprecedented. She meets privately with the president at least twice a day with no one else present. Her influence is enormous and wide-ranging. She wields informal power, like a first lady; scheduling power, like a chief of staff; and power over policy, like a special envoy. She has the unusual freedom to put herself in any meeting she chooses and to set the priorities as she sees fit. When The New York Times's Robert Draper asked Obama if he "runs every decision past her," the president answered immediately: "Yep. Absolutely."

In an article titled "Obama's strange dependence on Valerie Jarrett," Karin McQuillan wrote:

We need to understand the role Valerie Jarrett plays in Obama's private and political life.

"If it wasn't for Valerie Jarrett, there'd be no Barack Obama to complain about," starts Klein's chapter on Jarrett.  He quotes Michelle Obama on Jarrett's influence over her husband: "She knows the buttons, the soft spots, the history, the context."

No one outside Michelle has the access or power over Obama's decision-making like Jarrett does.  Here's an odd little fact that gives some insight into what kind of president Obama is: Michelle, Michelle's mother, and Valerie, and only a few others in Washington, are allowed to call Barack by his first name.  After work, Jarrett joins Obama at night in the Family Quarters, where she dines often with the First Family.  She goes on vacation with them. 

Jarrett's title is the weird mouthful "Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs."  She is the gatekeeper, but she is also much more than that.  She occupies Karl Rove's and Hillary's old office and has an all-access pass to meetings.  She shows up at the National Security Council, at meetings on the economy and budget.  She stays behind to advise Obama on what to think and do.  Obama uses her as his left-wing conscience.  Klein's sources describe how at each pressing issue, Obama turns to ask her, "What do you think the right thing to do is?"  As president, he likes to have her next to him "as the voice of authentic blackness in a White House that is staffed largely by whites." 

Every insider in Chicago told Klein the same thing: Jarrett has no qualifications to be the principal advisor to the president of the United States.  She doesn't understand how Washington works, how relations with Congress work, how the federal process works.  She doesn't understand how the economy works, how the military works, how national security works.  But she understands how Obama works.

The president turns to Valerie Jarrett for definitive advice on all these issues.  She has given him terrible advice over and over, and still he turns to her.   

Jarrett pushed ObamaCare.  At the beginning of Obama's presidency, there was pressure on Obama to focus on the economic crisis.  Rahm Emanuel advised a small, bipartisan health care reform with popular items such as coverage for young adults -- to get it passed quickly and focus on the country's money problems.  Jarrett urged the president to be true to his left-wing agenda.  She was all for having Reid-Pelosi create the ObamaCare assault on the American health system and ramming it through on a one-party vote, using Chicago-style politics, while Obama crossed the country doing what he does best: make speeches.  Obama liked Jarrett's idea.  Emanuel is now out of the White House.

A member of Obama's finance committee warned the president that Solyndra was going bankrupt.  But it is Obama and Valerie who see eye to eye, and they saw the value to Obama of rewarding his political cronies.  It worked fine in Chicago.  Larry Summers is now out of the White House.

Jarrett pushed Obama to take on the Catholic Church over contraception, arguing that it would appeal to single women (she was right) and that religious freedom isn't important (she was wrong).  Bill Daley, who had replaced Rahm Emmanuel as chief of staff, argued against Obama pushing contraception on the Church and invited Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York to meet with a displeased Obama, who didn't appreciate hearing from the Church.  Daley is now out of the White House.

Valerie Jarrett is the most powerful woman in Washington.  She has guided the president's decisions on health care, the budget, the stimulus, the deficit, foreign affairs.  

So when Jarrett told Obama that the mission to kill bin Laden was too politically risky, and to play it safe, it is entirely plausible to believe that the president listened to her.  It is consistent with everything we know about Obama's dependence on her.  According to Miniter's source in the U.S. Military Joint Special Operations Command,  Obama listened to her for four months, dithering and deciding no the first three times the military told him that the time to get bin Laden was now. 

Because of Valerie Jarrett's strong opposition to the slaying of Osama bin Laden, Obama three times cancelled the mission to take him out. Finally he was no longer able to withstand the pressures and reasoning of CIA Director Leon Panetta, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and reluctantly bowed to their advice and pressure! Afterwards - when the Bin Laden raid, called "Neptune's Spear" proved successful - Obama took full credit, and made it the great "fig leaf" of his foreign policy achievements, to prove to the American people how strong and resolute he was in fighting terror and Al-Qaeda!

But as Michael Savage writes in "Trickle down Tyranny," there is another side to Obama's dangerous Middle East policies. Here is how Savage describes this:

Why is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - the Hitler of Iran - invited to dinner at Columbia University, but Ghadafi gets a bullet to the head?

I'll tell you why.

Obama supported the arrest of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak - a friend of the United States, a friend of Israel for over 40 years. It was Mubarak who secured the border between Egypt and Israel during his time in office, who granted legitimacy to the state of Israel. Now Shariah law is being imposed in once-secular Egypt by the violent Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama has taken credit for killing Ghadafi, who, evil as he was, was not an enemy of the Jewish state as far as I know.

Notice who the US, under its anti-Zionist president Barack Obama, is not going after: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who threatens to wipe Israel off the map, and Bashar Assad of Syria, a puppet of Iran's Ahmadinejad, himself an anti-Israel despot who can be relied on to help carry out Ahmadinejad's crusade against Israel.

Writing in "The American Spectator," Dr Paul Kengor says:

As readers of this site are aware, I've just published a book on Barack Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. No president in the long history of this republic has had a mentor like Obama's. Frank Marshall Davis was a literal - and I mean literal - card-carrying member of Communist Party USA. I publish Davis's Communist Party number (47544) on the cover of the book, and fill an appendix with declassified FBI documents and Soviet archival material.

Those documents reveal a Davis so suspicious that he was placed on the federal government's Security Index, which meant he could be immediately arrested if war broke out between the United States and USSR. With that sort of pro-Soviet influence throughout his adolescence (1970-79), Barack Obama would have trouble getting a security clearance for an entry-level government job, let alone sit in the Oval Office.

Nonetheless, Obama sits in that Oval Office today thanks to four factors: the American voter, a scandalously biased media, a skillful election strategy charted by David Axelrod, and the careful nurturing of Valerie Jarrett.

And most remarkable, Axelrod's and Jarrett's backgrounds and mentors connect to Obama's background and mentor in a most intriguing way. It's a stunning story, hard to believe. Follow closely:

Frank Marshall Davis, like Obama, found himself, his career, and his political calling in Chicago. It was there in the 1940s that he first began working for communist front-groups, joined the Communist Party, and wrote for and became the founding editor-in-chief of the Chicago Star, the city's Communist Party newspaper - where Davis kicked off the newspaper with a column (July 6, 1946) pledging to advance "fundamental change." In these capacities, Davis, Obama's mentor, would work with the political ancestors of David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett.

Three more years of this Obama-Jarrett team will result in the destruction of America as we have known it. For this reason I believe that God Himself would want to anoint and raise up Jehu-like journalists and politicians who will be willing to go for the impeachment of Obama, as was done to President Richard Nixon who, for far less than what Obama has done, was pushed right out of the White House door.

Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center

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