Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Punish the man responsible for the torture of Puppy Doe (aka Kiya): Sign the Petition!

Please join this campaign: http://chn.ge/HeCnhW

Here is what the petition says:
Quincy Police Dept, Judge Cohen and others (names yet to be finalised) 

Punish the man responsible for the torture of Puppy Doe - also known as Kiya.
JUSTICE FOR "PUPPY DOE" - also known as Kiya

We the undersigned respectfully request that if the Polish man currently held in custody is found guilty of the crimes of 11 counts of animal cruelty over the torture of little Kiya - Puppy Doe. That it is recommended to the Judge that the maximum sentence available under the law is carried out. And each count of animal cruelty is taken into consideration.

We will be requesting that the Judge applies the maximum sentence available for this tragic animal cruelty.

We also request that if this man who tortured Puppy Doe is found guilty, the court “prohibit the person from owning or having custody or control of an animal” for the rest of their lifetime.

Kiya - Puppy Doe endured something that no animal should ever have to endure.

A necropsy performed on Puppy Doe revealed the most heartbreaking short life of an innocent puppy who may not have ever had a happy day. She had been starved, repeatedly abused and tortured. There had been multiple broken bones by being pulled apart, stab wounds to her eyes, and a particularly disgusting serpent like split cut into the puppy's tongue.


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