Sunday, August 04, 2013

First DHS buys up all the FEMA's trying to stock up on huge quantities of food

So what the hell is really going on here?
I’m not one to cry that the sky is always falling, but when DHS/FEMA make a move to quietly buy up emergency food supplies and ask how much we can ship within 24 hours…I think this is far enough outside the realm of what is “normal” to beg some questions.

Fortunately I’ve been in this business long enough to predict what happens next. One or more of the other “survival companies” out there will inevitably see a chance to make a quick buck from Uncle Sam (which is really paid for by us, the taxpayer). This could create a run on many of the core raw ingredients used by emergency food makers that will cause a ripple effect throughout the industry as supply chains become bottle-necked handling the FEMA/DHS request.”

This is extremely disturbing to know.

What is the government gearing up for? A major disaster or war they know is coming?

HAT TIP: Instapundit

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