Friday, July 05, 2013

Russian Troops in USA: Just What Does the Obama Administration Have Planned?

Earlier this week, CA reported on a topic the Obama administration is quietly implementing, using Russian troops to enforce U.S. events.  Below, is an editorial from Western Journalism that covers some very good, albeit provocative, points that may get you thinking about preparing yourself for what is to come next from this administration.
Western Journalism reports: We’ve known that Russian troops have been in America for some time, allegedly being trained by American troops. Now it appears that FEMA has entered into an agreement with the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. The reason is ostensibly to “provide security at mass events in the United States.”
Remember all those articles on the Obama Administration questioning whether or not military commanders would be willing to use live ammunition to fire on American citizens on American soil? You also probably remember the articles about Sheriffs throughout the United States who have publicly stated that they would not support any laws they believe are unconstitutional, especially where the 2nd Amendment is concerned. This places them in direct opposition to the federal government.
What we are now hearing about may well be the Obama Administration’s response to these issues. . .

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