Sunday, July 07, 2013

Civil War: Hugh Hewitt's own private sesquicentennial celebration

I’m kicking off three days of my own private sesquicentennial celebration of the end of the siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg today, tomorrow and Friday. On Friday, I’ll be joined by Victor Davis Hanson and Larry Arnn talking about the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War generally. Tomorrow, Harry Jaffa joins me to talk about the Declaration of Independence and the roots of that conflict. Next hour, I’m going to be joined by Jeff Shaara, whose new book on Vicksburg has just come out, and you do not want to miss that amazing novel. More coming up on that next hour, but I begin my three day sesquicentennial celebration with none other than Rich Lowry, who’s the editor of National Review and has been for a decade and a half. He’s of course a syndicated columnist. You see him a lot on Fox News. And he’s the author of a terrific new book in bookstores now, Lincoln Unbound: How An Ambitious Young Rail-Splitter Saved The American Dream, And How We Can Do It Again.
Rich Lowry On Lincoln Unbound
On this July 3rd, the eve of the Declaration of Independence celebration, it is also the 2nd day of the sesquicentennial celebration, commemoration, call it what you will, of the Battle of Gettysburg. And it is two days before the sesquicentennial remembrance of the surrender of Vicksburg. And as I looked around to find someone to deal with both of those battles, I could find no one better than Jeff Shaara, novelist extraordinaire, whose brand new book, A Chain Of Thunder, I read on my recent vacation, along with the book that preceded it, A Blaze Of Glory. They are both linked over at, because I’ve always believed that the best way in to a part of history you do not know is through historical fiction followed by history of the traditional sort.
Historical Novelist Jeff Shaara On The 150th Anniversary Of Vicksburg And Gettysburg
I am completing my third day of the celebration of the sesquicentennial of, I think, the most significant week in American history, the week that the Civil War was actually put on a course that would lead to the Union victory, and to the triumph of the republic. Joining me for the first two hours today, Victor Davis Hanson, extraordinarily successful and well-known military historian, frequent guest on the program, and a prolific author. In the third hour today, Dr. Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College will join me to talk about the political theory of Abraham Lincoln who led the Union through this.
Victor Davis Hanson On Vicksburg And Gettysburg
I hope you have enjoyed these three days of commemoration of perhaps the most important week in American history, the week of, the first week of July in 1863 is the week in which everything changed in favor of the Union. The long and bloody war in the west, Vicksburg surrendered, and in the east, Gettysburg was won by the forces of the Union, though not elegantly. And to talk about the man and the theory who stood atop all of that is Dr. Larry Arnn, because this is the time of the Hillsdale Dialogue, where once a week, I talk about, usually with Dr. Arnn, a great work of the West. And today, in honor of this week 150 years ago, we’re talking about a great man of the West, Abraham Lincoln.
Dr. Larry Arnn On Lincoln And The Civil War

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