Thursday, May 16, 2013

@hotairblog - Answer to Allahpundit's question

Re: Joseph Grant, retiring IRS official

From IRS website:
Grant, Kay Named to IRS Leadership Posts IR-2013-47, May 8, 2013 — The IRS announced the selection of Joseph H. Grant as commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division and Sheldon Kay as Chief of Appeals.

Joseph Grant had been Deputy Commissioner and previously, Acting Commissioner, Tax-Exempt Government Entities

Was he promoted from acting commissioner to commissioner, or from some lower rank to acting commissioner? I can’t find any personnel announcement online. The distinction is important, as one suggests this is a legit scalp-taking and the other suggests it’s a farce. If he was installed as permanent commissioner only to “retire” now, then obviously he was pushed out against his wishes. If he was merely promoted to acting commissioner, then it looks like he was elevated for the purpose of taking the fall. If anyone has a link, please send it.

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