Wednesday, May 01, 2013

EXAMINER: Obama document fraud case on the move

‘We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud’
CAVE CREEK – On Tuesday, Cold Case Posse lead investigator Lt. Mike Zullo told Sonoran News there is a movement underfoot toward prosecution of the Obama document fraud they uncovered during their investigation.
According to Zullo, there is an increased number of people, whom he would only refer to as “VIPs,” that will not only bring the case to the public light, but to prosecution.
Zullo also stated, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document [birth certificate] is a fraud.”
“The problem isn’t the evidence,” said Zullo, “It’s getting people who can do something about it to attend an evidence presentation.”
But, he said, that all appears to be changing and there is increased interest in exposing the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.
Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, currently has an Obama eligibility case on appeal in the Alabama Supreme Court before Judge Roy Moore.

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