Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Allen West on the Benghazi hearings today

Allen West's post on FB today:
House Oversight Committee on Benghazi hearing today, and yes, it does make a difference. The difference is, have certain individuals become so focused on winning political offices that they will lie, deceive, and mislead the American people? Are we so willing to sacrifice the lives of four Americans just so we can have a president we like and set up a presidential run for someone we feel is entitled? Losing an Ambassador cannot be the new normal. Abandoning two former US Navy SEALS engaged in mortal combat is reprehensible. Warning to the MSM, if you maintain your normal political bias in this case you will never be forgiven. Furthermore, you will have surrendered your journalistic integrity, assuming it ever existed. President Richard M. Nixon resigned over breaking and entering. The trail of deceit in the Benghazi incident leads back to the White House. Video, what damn video? President Obama, I recommend you search your soul for honesty because no silver-tongued teleprompter speech is acceptable. Salvage your honor, what little there is, or face the eventual wrath of the American people: yes, impeachment.

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