Thursday, April 11, 2013

Maryland, where Freedom died

Well, after reading this, I know that the future of Maryland is dark, indeed.

Because my laptop (and email) are unbearably slow, I've pretty much just stayed in vacation-mode since we've been visiting friends here in Maryland. Had I read Zilla's report on the sad state of the hospitality and tourism industry here, it might have really soured our whole attitude.

We won't be coming back here, probably--I do think it's our third (and last) trip to visit the friends my husband grew up with. Probably just as well, judging from the two posts linked here.


  1. Thanks for the link! Of course with progs running the state, they are as hostile to their own residents as they are to visitors. Check out THIS insanity:
    Check the comments section at the link for the Governor's new nickname. I want to see it get used far & wide.
    I hope your vacation has been nice despite the tech issues (or maybe BECAUSE of them since it would give you a break from all of the nonsense and craziness).
    Next time you have to come to the East Coast, I hope you'll end up closer to me.

  2. But wait, there's MORE! MD has even more hostile to human beings craziness:
    In the comments section, a reader suggests the best ever nickname for Gov. O'Malley, I'm gonna do what I can to see that it sticks.
