Sunday, June 03, 2012

Trayvon: User AND Dealer?

LEAN and mean...

Update #26 Part 2 – Trayvon Martin Shooting – A year of drug use culminates in predictable violence…
We can confirm from his Facebook and Twitter Accounts that Trayvon had essentially been “sippin sippin” (using Lean or DXM) for at least a year, perhaps longer.  It would appear from the Medical Examiners report Trayvon’s liver was showing the early indicators of excessive use consistent with such a timeframe. . .

It would be intellectually dishonest to frame as coincidental or disconnected that he apparently started seriously engaging in the DXM/Lean/Pot culture in the summer break of 2011 ;  and then was suspended from school three times for behavioral issues in the very next school year.   A rapid downward progression would be an inevitable outcome from frequent use of DXM and Marijuana.

Trayvon also subscribed to the U-Tube feeds  of drug use, drug culture, street violence and activities in this same Summer between school years.   Not accidentally in the same timeframe he gained significant interest in MMA style street fighting.   This is not at all just random coincidence.  As we have meticulously outlined aggressive anti-social behavior is a specific, frequent, and documented side effect from DXM/Lean use.

Trayvon was admittedly, according to his Facebook conversations, a user of DXM and Purple Drank/Lean since at least June 2011.   He was also an admitted smoker of Marijuana which was found in both his urine and blood tests.   His liver indicates the beginning stages of an unusual degrading known as “mild fatty metamorphasis”, and his brain tissue appeared compromised, both conditions symptomatic of DXM use.

In addition he was suspended from school three times in the past seven months  prior to the shooting for behavioral issues.  He was detached from adult supervision at the time in question, in a relatively unfamiliar place, and according to his father Tracy Martin, grounded.   His girlfriend describes their phone call as Trayvon being “paranoid”.
Was Trayvon Martin A Drug Dealer?

1 comment:

  1. It all seems to come together as a possible explanation for the strange behavior.
