Friday, June 01, 2012

Movie alert


I recently had the opportunity to attend screenings of two great movies, U.N. Me and For Greater Glory. Both films are being released this weekend and I highly recommend you see at least one of them!

U.N. Me exposes the dark side of the United Nations that traditional media would never touch. This film provides a timeless message about bloated bureaucracy told just in time for the 2012 elections. U.N. Me is a lightning rod, David vs. Goliath exposé -- so shocking, it will make you laugh at the absurdity! I certainly did.

Click here to see if it's playing in a theater near you or how to watch it On Demand!
For Greater Glory tells the story of the extraordinary men and women who risked their lives to fight against a Mexican government that all-but-eliminated their religious freedom. It is a true story of the 1920s Cristero War and could not be timelier given the Obama Administration's trampling upon our religious freedoms!

Will we have the same level of perseverance as the men and women in For Greater Glory? If you want to be inspired, you'll definitely want to see this movie.


Alex Cortes
Executive Director

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