Monday, June 25, 2012

How Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner facilitated a Muslim spy

How is Huma Abedin connected to Egypt’s new President?
It was encouraging to see five sitting US Congressmen – led by Rep. Michele Bachmann – send a letter to the Office of the Inspector General at the State Department recently; it made reference to the familial relationships Huma Abedin – Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff and closest advisor – has to the Muslim Brotherhood.
As a reminder about the tactics used by Muslims, please familiarize yourself with the following:

Muruna: Violating Sharia to Fool the West
Westerners who understand Islamic deception often refer to “taqiyya” as being the tactic of lying in order to guard the faith. Sunni Muslim apologists counter that taqiyya is a Shiite doctrine, while accusing Shiites of being rabblerousers who sanction “mut’a” (pleasure marriage), which is nothing more than prostitution.

Shiites can easily find equivalents to taqiyya and mut’a in the Sunni Muslim world. They are called “misyar” and “muruna.”
How is Huma Abedin connected to Egypt’s new President?
All signs point to Huma using a technique championed by Qaradawi himself. It’s called Muruna and it allows Muslims to go to extreme lengths to deceive and convince non-Muslims they pose no threat. One such act permitted by Muruna would be for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man if it furthered the cause of Islam.

Consider, Huma Abedin is also the wife of former US Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), who happens to be Jewish. Why hasn’t Huma denounced her mother or the views espoused by the Sisterhood? In fact, as the twitter sex scandal involving Weiner was playing out last year, the New York Post reported that the former Congressman allegedly claimed that there were three women he needed to reconcile with – Huma, Hillary, and Saleha. Perhaps the biggest red flag of all is why Huma – a practicing Muslim – wasn’t disowned by her family for marrying a Jew in the first place.

When it was learned that Saleha was a member of this extremely nefarious group, Walid was able to uncover mountains of evidence from news sources – in Arabic – that implicated Huma’s mother as being part of a plot reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Today, much of these connections have vanished. Short of identifying Saleha as the Dean of Dar el Hekma, her tracks have been all but covered. . .

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