Tuesday, May 08, 2012



The “Reality, Checked” Memorial Day Weekend Nation-Wide Sky Watch

This 2012 Memorial Day Weekend, join the hosts of The Black Vault Radio Network’s, Reality, Checked, in a weekend nation-wide UFO sky watch.  If there is something meant for us to see – let’s find it!

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. (BlackVault) – For centuries, the human race has asked itself the greatest question, “Are we alone?”  As theoreticians, prophets, researchers, investigators, and curious minds offer up thought-provoking answers to that question – there is only one way to find out.  We need to look for ourselves!

Join TheBlackVault.com’s John Greenewald, Jr., and Trevor Lowder, hosts of “Reality, Checked,” as they launch a 72-hour, nation-wide, project to get everyone to simply… look up. Nearly everyone walking on this planet is armed with videos phones and cameras, so the hosts propose that as most of us likely will have an outside BBQ with our families honoring our nation’s heroes that weekend, that we should also take a moment to peer up into the sky – looking to find evidence that may prove we are not alone.

With a nation-wide alliance of curious sky watchers, armed with an army of cameras, certainly someone, somewhere, could find something.  All too often we look forward or down; but never up where the answers may lie. They propose we change that.

And if you do happen to catch a shred of evidence, TheBlackVault.com offers an amazing new way to catalogue the event, and share it with the world.

Located in The Black Vault’s Case File Database (http://www.theblackvault.com/m/events/home/), users have the opportunity to share their sighting (from any time and date) and upload videos, photos, word documents, sketches, and whatever else they want to share.  It will then be tagged on a global map, and be preserved for others to view and investigate for years to come.

To date, it is arguably the most powerful tool to catalogue your sighting, and it isn’t limited to this year’s Memorial Weekend UFO sky watch. You can catalogue, from any date, UFO sightings, ghost encounters, abduction experiences, military exercises, and anything else of interest.

Help pass the word, and join in the fun as we all take part in this sky watch and the weekend of May 26th, 2012 – May 28th, 2012 (Memorial Day) as we all take a couple minutes out of our lives – and simply look up to find an answer.

(Note: Not in the U.S. but want to take part? You can!  Not only do we invite the globe to take part, The Black Vault Case File Database welcomes cases from around the world – so make sure you join us in America for this historic event!)

Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/events/427750950569776/

Contact Details:
John Greenewald, Jr.  (TheBlackVault.com) – john@greenewald.com
Trevor Lowder (Eldensword.Blogspot.com) – trevor@theblackvault.com
Media Enquiries, please contact John or Trevor

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