Friday, April 27, 2012


Advice for the First-Timer
by Bob Owens

PJ Media actually hit me with a pretty tall order with what appeared to be a simple suggestion for an article: a step-by-step process for those who know absolutely nada about guns yet want to arm themselves.

My immediate response — “Sure, I’ll get right on it” — was tempered roughly .00093 nanoseconds later by the realization of the task ahead of me.

Getting a gun — especially the first one — is a pretty big deal. . .
With our initial installment, we discussed how people come about wanting to own their own firearm, and the pivotal question for all first-time purchasers: “What do you want to be able to do with your gun?”

The answers are as varied as the people considering gun ownership. You may want to be able to protect yourself and others in an insecure world; you may be nurturing a desire to master the skill of marksmanship. Possibly, the competitor in you desires to push yourself and to excel in one of many shooting sports. Or maybe, it’s just: “That looks fun and I want to do it.” You know what? That’s perfect. As long as you want to do it safely. Whatever your specific interest, there are several ways to ease yourself into the world of shooting if this is your first experience with firearms. . .
HAT TIP: InstaPundit

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good essay on a first gun. A .22 RF is a great way to begin, for the reasons he outlines: Low recoil and noise; so, the beginner can concentrate on technique and trigger control.

    For some folks, a .357 Magnum revolver can be ALMOST comparable. That is, one can begin with .38 Special wadcutter ammunition, very low velocity. Later, full powered .38s; and, later, .357 Magnums.

    But, if time and patience permits, not only is the .22 a great learning tool, and cheap fun as well, but an even more basic start is to learn on an accurate air or CO2 gun.

    Best of all is to start with your Red Ryder lever action BB gun, when you are 10 years old.

