Friday, March 23, 2012

Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery'

The Daily Caller
On Dennis Miller’s radio show Thursday Lord Christopher Monckton, a former policy adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and an activist against global warming “alarmism,” went all-in on questioning President Barack Obama’s citizenship.

Monckton, the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, hinted about his position on the issue in April 2010 at a tea party rally on the National Mall near the White House. But on Miller’s show, he said the birth certificate issue was far more important that combating so-called anthropogenic global warming.

Via CITIZEN WELLS plus: "What did Miller mean on the O’Reilly show on April 27, 2012?"

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