Monday, March 26, 2012

Liberal Logic 101


  1. huh? I'm a conservative and a republican and this isn't "liberals being stupid" this is called common sense. I've been on birth control for almost five years now. I have no idea who the flying heck taught you basic biology, but you don't buy birth control every time you have sex you idiots. You buy it once a month and take it every day to regulate your cycle as well as make it so your ovaries do not release the egg (you can look "ovaries" up online since i'm sure you probably don't know basic sex ed). This is not only stupid, but downright insulting to single women and all users of birth control.

  2. Huh? What you said has nothing to do with this picture.

  3. Sarah Palin is a mother, wife, Christian, businesswoman and politician. Bill Maher has called her a c*nt and David Letterman has described her as "slutty". If you were alive, you might have noticed that she and her family have been brutally attacked by liberals for years. When I was growing up, my mother was all of those things (except a politician) and so were a lot of the women I knew and grew up with. I could never have imagined that a nice woman who was all of those things could be viciously attacked for them...but that's what the Left did. (They wouldn't have bothered had they not seen her as a threat to their agenda.)

    Rush Limbaugh made a JOKE based on the observation that when a woman asks other people to pay for sex, well, you know what the name for that is! I got it immediately. Liberals, in order to USE this to their advantage, pretended like they didn't understand this joke and posited that he just, out of the blue, decided to call her a whore. He didn't.
