Monday, March 05, 2012

Biased media belittled Obama inquiry

by Joe Arpaio - Mar. 3, 2012 05:11 PM
Over the past several weeks, members of the local media continuously asked me what our preliminary findings, which were released on Thursday, would show in the investigation of President Barack Obama's birth certificate.

They were practically salivating at the opportunity to embarrass me, my highly capable group of volunteer investigators and literally anyone else who would dare show an interest in the possibility that this investigation could lead to any real credible evidence into what they claim has already been "looked into" or "widely debunked."

During our news conference, my investigators and I laid out a large array of technical information, demonstrations and evidence that no other law-enforcement agency in the country has even considered looking into.

We have produced experts in the creation of electronic documents who will attest that the document in question is a forgery, evidence that the president's Selective Service registration card is highly suspect and looked far different from any other card we examined from the same exact post office in the same exact month in which his was filed.

And we uncovered information from the National Archives that is mysteriously missing one week of flight information into Hawaii out of a 10-year span requested by my investigators. It just so happened to be the week of the president's birth.

After spending over an hour discussing these facts and much more, not one reporter ever asked about the evidence or the case itself.

Their pre-determined desire to discredit me and my office would not even allow them to consider listening to what was presented in an unbiased manner.

Despite what was reported, some of this information is new, and all of it was examined in far greater detail than what was cited by the quick research of The Arizona Republic's Editorial Board into ("No politics in probe? Oh, sure," Editorial, Friday) or by some expert at Data Doctors (Channel 12, KPNX).

I understood from the beginning that this is how the media would react to our efforts and, frankly, I don't care.

This issue does affect the citizens of Maricopa County despite what the media will try to portray.

My hope is that, if nothing else, our investigation will bring the conversation back to the forefront about the desperate need for a more thorough vetting process in the selection of the president of the United States.

Who in his right mind would disagree that would be a good thing?
Joe Arpaio is the sheriff of Maricopa County.

The Arizona Republic

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