Wednesday, March 07, 2012

“After seeing the evidence presented, I firmly believe we have an illegal alien in the White House.”

Mothers Against Illegal Amnesty founder Michelle Dallacrose.
On Monday afternoon, Dallacrose posted a “State of Emergency – Call to Action” on her website, which, in conjunction with the Surprise Tea Party, is asking citizens to contact their legislators and encourage them to sponsor or cosponsor a “strike everything” bill with language that would give the Arizona Secretary of State the authority to keep Obama off the 2012 ballot until there is resolution to the criminal investigation into his birth certificate, Selective Service documents and any other claims that may be part of the Cold Case Posse investigation.

Visit" for more information.

Visit to make a tax-deductible donation to the Cold Case Posse to help fund its ongoing investigation.

1 comment:

  1. There is a really good read from DRUDGE:

    PRAVDA chides U.S. media for ignoring Sherrif Joe investigation...
