Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Help needed today: Georgia Constitutional Carry Hearing on Thursday Feb 9th

Action Needed: Georgia Constitutional Carry Hearing – 9 Feb 12 – 0800 – Coverdell Bldg, Room 506
Thanks to all of your hard work pressuring Representatives in the Georgia House, the Public Safety and Homeland Security committee has scheduled hearings on Constitutional Carry!

But don’t bother looking for a meeting announcement on the House calendar. House ‘leadership’ doesn’t want you to know about this meeting – so the meeting notice wasn’t published online.

Worse still is the fact that by the time you read this we’ll have less than 24 hours to respond!

You see John, certain politicians want “Constitutional Carry” to die a quiet death in committee while you aren’t looking. They want to be able to say that they “did all that they could,” but that it “just wasn’t the right time.”
Don’t be fooled by these politicians’ dirty tricks! Stand up and fight for your right to bear arms!
Contact these House Public Safety and Homeland Security members and demand a roll-call vote on Consitutional Carry in committee!

Rep. Willie Talton –
478-923-6252 | 404-656-5116

Rep. Bob Hanner –
229-623-2841 | 404-656-7859

Rep. Doug Collins –
770-983-2223 | 404-651-7737 |

Rep. Billy Horne –
770-683-4676 | 404-656-0287 |

Rep. Billy Maddox –

Rep. Jay Neal –
423-412-3292 | 404-656-5138

Rep. Darlene Taylor –
229-224-9508 | 404-656-0177 |

Rep. Ann Purcell –
912-826-5465 | 404-656-5139
And if you can make it down to Atlanta Thursday morning, please attend the Public Safety and Homeland Security committee meeting and show your support for “Constitutional Carry”.

Georgia Constitution Carry Act of 2012 Hearing

Thursday, February 9, 2012
8 AM – 10 AM

Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Room 506
18 Capitol Square SW
Atlanta, GA, 30334

Thank you for your continued support in this fight!

Yours in Liberty,

Nathan Adams
Georgia Campaign For Liberty
HAT TIP: Sipsey Street Irregulars

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