Thursday, January 26, 2012


To Judge Michael Malihi, presiding judge of the Obama GA ballot challenge, members of congress, presidential candidates and other interested Americans. This multi part series on facts regarding Obama refusing Federal Matching Funds in 2008 will raise reasonable doubts about Barack Obama’s Natural Born Citizen status.

PART 1 - Why is Obama now employing private attorneys to keep his name on state ballots, despite compelling evidence that he is not a natural born citizen?
Summary: Documented that Barack Obama opted out of Federal Matching Funds after a pledge to receive them and repeatedly spoke about campaign finance reform.
Obama GA ballot challenge, Natural born citizen status, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 1

PART 2 - Robert Bauer, et al help Obama keep his records hidden.
Summary: Deals with the legal posturing involving Obama, Robert Bauer, et al with the FEC and the first lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility and Natural Born Citizen status initiated by Philip J. Berg.
Obama GA ballot challenge, Natural born citizen status, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 2, Robert Bauer et al help Obama hide records

PART 3 - Citizen Wells FEC FOIA request reveals FEC bias?
Summary: Had [Philip] Berg challenged the earlier ruling by the FEC which kept open the option for Obama receiving matching funds, perhaps the outcome would have been different. However, to be revealed in part 4, the Obama camp and the DNC did their best to quash the effectiveness of the FEC over several years.
Obama GA ballot challenge, Natural born citizen status, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 3, Citizen Wells FEC FOIA, FEC bias?

PART 4 - Obama, attorneys and Democrats control FEC
Summary: The devil himself could not have come up with a more devious plan.
Obama GA ballot challenge, Natural born citizen status, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 4, Obama attorneys Democrats control FEC

PART 5 - FEC Hassan opinion quotes Natural born citizen requirement
Summary: That there are eligibility requirements for receiving presidential matching funds and that the FEC is charged with administering these funds. It is clear that the FEC should always require proof of eligibility. It should have done so in 2007. We know there was inherent bias in 2007 (see Part 4 of this series).
Obama GA ballot challenge, FEC Hassan opinion quotes Natural born citizen requirement, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 5, Fec US Constitution presidential eligibility

PART 6 - Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen
Summary: Obama is not a natural born citizen regardless of his birthplace because he did not have 2 US Citizen parents. We know this from the context of the times and language of the US Constitution and court cases. We have affirmation of this in Senate Resolution 511, that Obama signed, which declared that John McCain was a natural born citizen and that he had 2 US Citizen parents.

Not only do we have direct evidence that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen...we also have strong Circumstantial Evidence that he is ineligible and hiding more than just his eligibility deficiencies.
Obama GA ballot challenge, Circumstantial Evidence convicts Obama, Judge Michael Malihi, Why did Obama refuse matching funds in 2008?, Part 6, Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen

1 comment:

  1. Finally everything is being presented in a legal, straight-forward factual form. To witness the Democtatic Party be so willing to pervert the Constitution and the Republican Party halfway cave in by not yelling loud enough and not constantly forcing Obama to answer basic irregularities, is terrible. Will someone please address this problem? I STILL believe that Obama DID NOT LEGALLY change his name back from Barry Soetero to Barack Obama; that he probably didn't bother because he never dreamed he might be nominated, never mind elected and at some point it became too late to do so; which makes everything involving him and his signature deliberate fraud, perjury and misrepresentation. With 150,000 paid field workers, Soros, the Saudis, etc. he didn't need the federal funds, especially if it brought his elgibility into sharper focus. Let's get every iota into the open and present it to the American people so even Frank, Pelosi and Reid cannot offer the slightest objection.
