Monday, January 16, 2012



Have blacks in America achieved the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and become truly “Free at Last?” This is the question recently tackled in the brave and powerful documentary Runaway Slave a new film which exposes the economic and social enslavement of the black community to the progressive policies of the US Government.

Rev. C. L. Bryant hosts the movie revealing the “new underground railroad” and the mindset of a cultural acceptance of entitlements and big government. Bryant’s own life provides unique insights into the racial and political issues of the day. A former Chapter President of the Garland, Texas NAACP, former democratic activist, and pastor; C. L. had a front row seat to the civil rights movement in the south. “There is a 50-year-old lie that has caused an entire people to become harlots to the political idea that government knows what is best.” says Bryant.

While Bryant’s compelling story launches the film, the plot is revealed as he travels the country interviewing people from every economic and social background. Dr. Alveda King, Economist Thomas Sowell, Florida Congressman Allen West, Presidential Candidate Herman Cain and Star Parker are a few of the people Bryant encounters on his trek through the new Underground Railroad in America.

Runaway Slave explores how despite the best efforts of the government and liberal political leaders, in exchange for their 95 percent support of Progressive policies, the Black community has 40 percent of its population on welfare, 72 percent of its children born out of wedlock and a 48 percent abortion rate. What is causing the black community to generate these kinds of statistics?

A history lesson not being taught in the public schools reveals the truth of legislation aimed at curbing and controlling the black population and the results that have kept them “on the government plantation.” The leaders of the black community point to the new overseers and the “tribal leader” tactics being employed to create a people group that is still being oppressed.

The black conservatives interviewed in Runaway Slave do not bow to political correctness. Their thoughts and experiences are laid bare for an audience hungry for the truth. Get on board the new Underground Railroad and meet those that are running away from slavery and tyranny towards the blessings of liberty and true freedom.

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