Saturday, January 07, 2012

The beginning of the end: Request to Institute Quo Warranto Proceeding Against Barack Obama

Presidential Candidate Files Writ of Quo Warranto to Oust Obama And/Or Prevent Obama Ballot Access
Request to Institute Quo Warranto Proceeding Against Barack Obama pursuant to District of Columbia Code, Division II, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Title 16, Particular Actions, Proceedings and Matters, Chapter 35, §§ 3501-3503

"Quo Warranto For Interested Persons" - Leo Donofrio
CONCLUSION: The District of Columbia Code is the only means by which a federal quo warranto action can be instituted and its application is strictly limited to public offices of the United States or local DC offices within the ten square miles of the District of Columbia. No public office, ie POTUS, is exempt by the statute.
Leo Donofrio, Esq.
I will more thoroughly address the issue of statutory construction in the days ahead. (Since the state of Georgia will be hearing this issue on Jan. 26, 2012, I have decided to come forward with everything I have now, rather than waiting to publish my book.
The McCreery v. Somerville Funeral – Maskell And Gray To Attend – Minor v. Happersett To Preside.

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