Saturday, December 17, 2011

What Iranian Leaders Really Say about Doing Away with Israel: A Refutation of the Campaign to Excuse Ahmadinejad’s Incitement to Genocide

Regarding the two videos below which a Ron Paul groupie sent me:

Completely aside from the fact that Juan Cole is married to a Pakistani, and that Part 1 interviews David Duke in defense of Ahmadinejad (!@$%), here is an in-depth analysis -- and COMPLETE REBUTTAL -- of all of Ron Paul's Ahmadinejad groupies:

What Iranian LeadersReally Say about Doing Away with Israel:
A Refutation of the Campaign to Excuse Ahmadinejad’s Incitement to Genocide

by Joshua Teitelbaum


Translation: Wipe Israel Off the Map, part 1

Translation: Wipe Israel off the Map, Part 2

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