Sunday, December 11, 2011

List of current legal actions against Obama
List of my legal actions going on now, challenging Obama

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
Posted on | December 11, 2011 | No Comments

1. HI Taitz v Fuddy hearing scheduled Jan 6, 2012

2. GA Farrar, Lax, Judy MacLeran v Obama, Executive Committee of the Democrat Party of GA, Brian Kemp, Secretary of State of GA- filed on behalf of a registered voter in GA and 3 Presidential candidates Pretrial order issued.Standing is great, as 2 of the presidential candidates are Democrats, running directly against Obama now in the primary election. First amended complaint and response to the Pretrial order sent. Trial set tenatively between January 9-16 Attorney for the Plaintiffs is Orly Taitz, Obama is represented by 2 private GA attorneys

3. Petition to the Supreme Court of NH Taitz, State Representativeds of NH Rappaport, Accornero, Via, Villenueva, Vita; Presidential Candidates Lax (D), Judy (D), MacLeran (R)- no date yet

4 District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals Taitz v Ruemmler (White House Counsel) no date yet

5. District of Columbia Circuit court of Appeals Taitz v Astrue (commissioner of Social Security ) no date yet

6. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al. This case was filed on inauguration day January 21, 2009 by attorney Orly Taitz. Her clients in this case are 40 plaintiffs, among them 2008 Presidential candidate from the American Independent party, former UN ambassador Alan Keyes, 10 State Representatives from around the country, 30 officers of the US military. 9th Circuit heard the oral argument on May 2, 2011. No decision yet. Taitz filed several supplemental brief and Petition for emergency Writ of Mandamus, no answer yet.

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