Friday, December 16, 2011

Hugh Hewitt talks about the late Christopher Hitchens - UPDATE

Transcripts are available.
I will replay my last interview with Christopher Hitchens --a three hour conversation about his autobiography-- sometime between now and the New Year. He was a joy to interview and a wonder to listen to debate, unfailingly gracious to me, my other guests and my audience. . .

We spent a great deal of time discussing God, and I hope and pray I am correct in my views and that he can concede to me on that subject when we meet again.
Christopher Hitchens, RIP


Friday Afternoon Roundup - A Letter from Goebbels

I have nothing particular to say about the death of Hitchens. I have always believed that we face a larger threat that requires us to make common cause with people we disagree with and even people who hate us. Speaking as a Jew, Hitchens certainly fell into that category. He was a lefty who made the somewhat unique decision not to follow his movement from supporting Arab Socialist terrorists to supporting Muslim terrorists. That he was one of the few not to do so is more damning of the left than it is a praise of him.

Hitchens hated Jews, he hated Christians and he hated Muslims. That made him an ally of sorts and an enemy of sorts, Benjamin Kerstein at the Jewish Daily sums up most of the relevant stuff. Like others on the Counterjihad atheist left, he didn't like Israel or Jews, but he recognized that Islam was the larger threat.

I see no real point in penning completely misleading headlines like Ron Kampeas' "Christopher Hitchens, contrarian who embraced and battled Judaism, dead at 62". It's about as far from the truth as imaginable, except his name, age and the contrarian part. . .

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