Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some key points on Homeschooling vs. Public Education

  • Homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects.
  • There was no significant difference between minority and white homeschooled students.
  • These findings show that when parents, regardless of race, commit themselves to make the necessary sacrifices and tutor their children at home, almost all obstacles present in other school systems disappear.
  • Dr. Ray found the average cost per homeschool student is $546 while the average cost per public school student is $5,325.
  • The 1998 study by Dr. Rudner of 20,760 students, found that eighth grade students whose parents spend $199 or less on their home education score, on the average, in the 80th percentile.
  • Whether a state had a high degree of regulation (i.e., curriculum approval, teacher qualifications, testing, home visits) or a state had no regulation of homeschoolers, the homeschooled students in both categories of states performed the same. The students all scored on the average in the 86th percentile regardless of state regulation.

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