Sunday, November 13, 2011

Challenge: New Hampshire is an early primary state and it allows anyone to challenge a candidate on the ballot.

11/13/11 - From Orly Taitz:
This is extremely important. New Hampshire is an early primary state and it allows anyone to challenge a candidate on the ballot. You do not have to be a resident of NH. We have to capitalise on this opportunity.

I put a lot of work and a lot of sleepless nights in gathering all the information and exhibits.

In the post below you will find a total of 87 pages in PDF files and a docx version of the complaint.

You will find a complaint, challenging Obama’s legitimacy on the ballot, 66 pages of exhibits, containing sworn affidavits and documents, showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was not assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. You will find a certified mail tracing number and a blank form for you to fill out. On the form you can state, that you want to join the challenge filed by Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz.

As you know, I will have to travel to HI for the third time. It is extremely expensive. I might need to travel to NH. All of this work takes a lot of time and effort. I hope you will support this effort to remove Obama from the ballot early on in this primary by donating to either “Defend Our Freedoms foundation” or to “Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012″ .

We need at least one person with a backbone in the Senate. While I got donations for the foundation, so far I collected only about $1,400 for the campaign. Registration is $3,420. I will need to spend $6,500 for the full candidate statement on the ballot. I need to start printing brochures, fliers and bumper stickers.

If you have means and can donate $10,000 needed to jump start the effort, it will be greatly appreciated. If you can donate $1,000 or $500 or $250 or whatever amount you can, it will be appreciated. As you know, nobody does anywhere near the amount of work, that I am doing to remove Obama from office. I am putting in time, sweat and tears. I will appreciate your support.
Extremely important, join me and support me in challenging Obama in the early primary state of NH

Election Challenge to Obama Candidacy in NH

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